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Our services

✔ Accommodation which is stable, appropriate, and designed to evolve with the needs of the young person to ensure clear 'move-on' options.

✔ Independent living skills, including home management and budgeting.

✔ Financial self-sufficiency through education, training and employment.

✔ Positive relationship building with peers, family, professionals, friends and significant others.

✔ Positive communication with service providers and the community.

✔ Self care and hygiene support sessions.

✔ Emotional development and resilience support sessions.

✔ Ongoing crisis support after completing the programme, if this is agreed in consultation.

        ✔ Parenting skills and training for         parenthood.

        ✔ Preparation for leaving care (rights,         responsibilities and benefit advice).

        ✔ Health, welfare and community         resources.

Creating our
individualised plan


Identify the life journey someone has undertaken.


Explore the possibilities of young person’s identity, who they are and where they want to get to.


Assess their strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats and the young person's additional skill set.


Informal and formal learning support sessions.


Plan how to reach a positive destination, set goals, complete tasks and meet deadlines.


Build skills, offer opportunities and supply resources required for the journey.


Create benchmarks, track outcomes, review outcomes and evaluate progress.


Set the next steps on the journey to independence.

This website and its content is copyright of Streetz Ahead Creative Housing incorporated in England (reg. No. 10377428). © Streetz Ahead Creative Housing 2017.
All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. Website by Isaac Phypers.